Posted by forex at 3:58 AM
Read our previous post
1. Write the title to your flowchart at the top of the page. For example, write, 'Currency Conversion Flowchart'.
2. Draw an oval below the title in the upper-left hand corner of the page. Write inside it 'Start.'
3. Draw a straight arrow down from the bottom of the oval about 1 inch in length. Draw a rectangle. Write inside the rectangle, 'Input a number'.
4. Make another straight arrow down from the center of the bottom of the rectangle. Draw a second rectangle. Write inside of it 'Choose 'convert from' country'.
5. Attach another down arrow the same way and draw a third rectangle. Write inside it, 'Input another number'. Draw another arrow down.
6. Draw a fourth rectangle. Write inside of it, 'Choose 'convert to' country'. Make another downward directional arrow and a fifth rectangle.
7. Write inside the fifth rectangle, 'Perform conversion'. Draw another downward arrow and one more rectangle. Write inside this final rectangle, 'Display answer'.
8. Draw one more downward arrow. Make a final oval beneath this and write inside the oval, 'End'.