Posted by forex at 1:54 AM
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1. Educate yourself. Although foreign currency investment may look like a giant, global lottery from the outside, it is in fact a subtle and dynamic market with more intelligent interests than anyone could quantify. You should know a bit about the history, technicalities and vicissitudes of foreign currency markets before you begin investing your money.
2. Invest in a foreign currency fund. A currency fund will give you a major investment firm's wisdom and experience in trading foreign currency. Importantly, a foreign currency fund will help reduce the risk of your investment. Fidelity Funds and the Merk Hard Currency fund are good examples of funds with a diverse currency basket.
3. Find a broker with experience in foreign currency markets. A good broker will alert you of important changes in the market and advise you on trading strategy. While there will be commission costs, a broker's experience will pay off in the long run.
4. Decide to use spot, swat or another kind of transaction type. Foreign currency markets present a few options for the type of transaction you can use and the relative risk inherent in each kind of transaction. Consult with a broker or currency market expert to help you decide which transaction is right for you.
5. Open an account with a brokerage company or bank. Brokerage companies provide you real-time market information and allow you to easily make foreign currency investments at very low cost. Look at a number of brokerages to compare price, levels of information provided and general customer service.