

How to Complete a Cross

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1. Determine the exchange rate. Many newspapers publish exchange rates for major foreign currencies. Note the value of $1 in the foreign currency. Online sources are also available.
2. Create a chart with two columns. Label one column 'USD' and the second column the code for the foreign currency, e.g. GBP for Great Britain pounds. Other currencies may be added in additional columns.
3. On the first line in the USD column, enter '1', representing one USD. Going down the same column, enter '2,' '3,' '4,' '5,' '10,' '25' and '50.'
4. Enter the exchange rate from Step 1 in the second column and next to the '1' in the USD column. This will represent the value of $1 in the foreign currency. Then multiply this value times each of the USD values and enter them in the adjoining column. You know have a currency exchange rate sheet and guide. For other values, simply mentally add or subtract using the base numbers in your chart. For example, $35 will represent the sum of the foreign currency values next to $25 and $10.
5. It is also useful to create a second chart reversing the columns, with the first column showing the foreign currency units. Instead of U.S. dollars, head the column with the foreign currency code, and then follow with the values of '1,' '2' and so on. Then divide $1 by the exchange rate to determine the reverse value. Using this rate, multiply each foreign currency denomination in column one to determine the U.S. dollar equivalent in column two.
